Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mega Bloks Dragons Universe Party

Recently, I was invited to host a Mega Bloks Dragons Universe party in my home. Upon receiving the acceptance email, I was super excited and so was my son. I didn't really know what to expect but once the package arrived, it contained everything I needed to get our Dragons Universe party planned. There were fun recipes like, "Dragon Scales" (chips & salsa), "Fire Breathing Bagel Melts" (bagels with spaghetti sauce, cheese and pepperoni), "Dragon's Breath Punch" (cherry Kool Aid, pineapple juice, ginger ale and sherbet). The package also included activities and game ideas but the most exciting part was, in fact, the actual products.

Today, I hosted our Mega Bloks Dragons Universe party. The kids were wanted to dive right into the boxes as soon as they saw them. Seeing how anxious they were, I allowed each of them to approach the table everything was displayed upon, and choose one of the toys.

Some of the younger kids had their parents to help them assemble the toy they choose while the older kids started zipped through the assembly and straight to playtime.

After the kids played for a while, I held the drawing for the Deluxe Dual-Blast Dragon Hunter and we had a VERY happy winner.

Everyone enjoyed browsing through the Mega Bloks catalog and paid special attention to the Dragons Universe section of toys. The children loved the toys and had a great time playing with them.

All in all, I would say that our Mega Bloks Dragons Universe Party was a huge success!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How to Shop at Target

This is an EXCELLENT article to help Target addicts...oops, I mean shoppers shop at Target to save money and get stuff for FREE! And all you have to do is clip some coupons and watch their sales!

Target Shopping

Happy Shopping!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I love free stuff!

I'm a sucker for freebies in any way, shape or form. So, on Friday I was contacted by a market research company to ask if I'd be willing to participate in an upcoming study on snack foods. My response? bet! Wanna know the best part...they're sending me a Creative Vado Pocket Cam to keep absolutely FREE! And did I mention that upon completion of the study, I'll also receive $150? Woo-Hoo!

Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to checking my mail this week. ;)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Free Emeril Cookbook Download

This is very cool! FREE Emeril Cookbook download!

Free Emeril Cookbook Download

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Baby Steps

I've been the worst blogger ever. I haven't shared anything in forever and a day. Now I'm determined to get back into the swing of things by contributing to my beloved blog at least once a week. I'm setting the bar steps. I'll resurrect my blog in baby steps. Unless of course I feel ambitious and then, I might post several times a day. So, please keep your eyes peeled for (hopefully) more posts very, very soon. ;)